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Protect Your Data, Achieve SOC 2 Compliance

Protect your organization from costly breaches with Swif's SOC 2-compliant device security, safeguarding your endpoints and sensitive data to maintain trust in a risky digital landscape.


Enhanced Device Data Integrity and Security

Swif safeguards the integrity of your sensitive data, minimizing breach risks and avoiding costly penalties with robust endpoint security.


Audits and Reporting

Simplify your audits with Swif's comprehensive compliance reporting, making it easy to demonstrate SOC 2 adherence and speed up the audit process.


Compliance Dashboard

Swif centralizes your device security with real-time insights and automated alerts, making it easy to maintain SOC 2 compliance effortlessly.

Benefits of SOC 2 compliance for your organization

Avoid Costly Breaches

Proactively protect your device data, avoiding financial losses and legal repercussions.

Boost Brand Reputation

Show clients you take data security seriously, enhancing your brand’s reputation and competitive edge.

Save Time and Resources

With Swif’s compliance automation, reduce the time and effort required to maintain compliance.

Use Swif for free

Use Swif for free if you have up to 5 employees. Get a custom quote based on your company's size.