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Benefits Of ISO 27001 Certification


6 minutes

August 8, 2024

The world has seen an explosion in cybercrime. For instance, the FBI reported that over $12 billion was lost to cybercriminals in 2023. As such, cyber security is a growing concern for most businesses.

Demonstrating your company has the proper security standards with an ISO 27001 certificate can be a huge boost for any business.

What IS ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 is a standards framework created by the International Standards Organization (ISO). It measures a company's ability to secure its data by covering staff training, monitoring practices, security audits, incident reporting, and communication.

Benefits Of ISO 27001 Certification 

Besides showing security standards, ISO 27001 certification has many other benefits. Below are some of the benefits you might get.

1. Avoid Legal Penalties

Governments worldwide take data security seriously. They will impose huge financial burdens on companies that do not adhere to their data regulations and that do not do everything reasonably possible to secure consumer’s data. ISO 27001 certification is an accepted global standard for effective data management.

With the certificate, a company can demonstrate that it did everything possible to protect its customers. It can help to minimize legal penalties.

2. Appeal To Customers And Partners

An IBM report showed that a single data breach costs around $4.35 million. With such a huge financial cost, businesses are unwilling to partner with organizations that do not have the highest data practices in place. Securing your data with the industry's best standards can help you win over more clients. 

3.Stand Out From The Crowd

According to a 2022 survey, 71,549 organizations had valid ISO 27001 certificates as of December 31, 2022. It means that many organizations recognize the need for this certification. All of them have an edge over you regarding preferred business partners.

An ISO 27001 certificate demonstrates your commitment to data security. Customers prefer to work with businesses that go the extra mile to keep them safe.

4. Reduce The Need For Audits

If you want to improve compliance and reduce the need for audits, an ISO 27001 certificate can help. It ensures that your organization can identify areas of compliance and abide by them.

While audits are crucial to organizational security, they often cost a lot.

The cost is both in time and resources. Having ISO 27001 certification can help streamline audits, reducing time. It lets employees focus on their core roles without ambiguity while improving the quality of their work.

5. Get an Independent Review Of Your Security Posture

Maintaining ISO 27001 certification requires regular reviews of your business practices. There are both internal audits and external reviews at specific times. It creates an opportunity to get an independent assessment of your processes. An outside opinion can help to ensure optimal data protection practices.

6. Global Recognition 

An ISO 27001 certificate is globally recognized. It can open doors to partnerships worldwide. It can also expose your staff to international best practices, making their skills more globally relevant.

7. Protect Your Reputation

A single data breach can haunt you for years or decades in the internet era. One way to keep your reputation safe is by avoiding losing your customers' data to hackers. ISO 27001 certification allows you to implement the best cybersecurity practices to protect your reputation.

Ready To Supercharge Your Security?

Being ISO 27001 certified is a lot of work. However, it does not need to be complicated. We utilize a straightforward approach that combines the latest best practices and years of experience. Our team will help you streamline your security practices so you can spend more time growing your business.

Partner With Us to supercharge your ISO certification.

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